

Inputting Glyphs

To input glyphs, you can either use the language bar, or the prefix key, which is . The keyboard layout is shown in the image below. To input a glyph in the middle column, press the prefix key once and then the corresponding key (shown in the first column), holding Shift if it's in the upper row. To input a glyph in the last column, press the prefix key twice and then the corresponding key, shifing as before. Note that many (probably most) available glyphs currently correspond to no behavior and will error when ran.


To run your code, you can press Enter or the Run button. To edit code you already ran, click on it. Similarly, you can click on an output to put it into the input bar. You can also scroll through previously ran code with Shift+ and Shift+


In addition to all the quad names available normally in TinyAPL, there are additional ones:

TinyAPL keyboard layout