Dialect or Derivative?

Many features described here are currently just planned.

One question I ask myself a lot is whether TinyAPL is an APL dialect or derivative. While I don't have a definitive answer, I think I lean more on the derivative side. Why didn't I call it CRP or ZOL (finally, an APL for your shoes) or ( A + i ) ( P + i ) ( L + i ) \left(\mathrm A + i\right)\left(\mathrm P + i\right)\left(\mathrm L + i\right) , or TinyArrayLanguage or something like that? The first reason is historical: when I began the project I had no idea of what it would become, and also I think that I break off from traditional APL in less ways.

I suppose not being "an APL" in the strictest sense makes TinyAPL a complete misnomer, given how many think it's not tiny at all either.

None of the differences I list below are enough to make something "not an APL dialect" alone, but I believe the combination of them is.

New types

TinyAPL has a few new types, scalars and nouns.

Not only does it have the normal characters, numbers and boxes (which are a bit of a hybrid of a flat-model box and a nested-model "enclosure"), but also first-class functions through wraps (which appear in Kap and in BQN in its based-model approach), first-class modifiers (which BQN has but Kap doesn't), structs (mutable collections of pairs of identifiers and nouns/functions/modifiers, which are similar, but not identical, to Dyalog's namespaces, and will be more similar with APLAN :fingers_crossed:), potentially symbols (seen in Kap).

The biggest innovation is probably breaking the traditional APL concept of "everything [that's an argument to functions] is an array", slightly modifying it to "everything is a noun", where nouns are either the traditional arrays or associative arrays/dictionaries (name isn't settled yet). Kap has maps, but they're scalars, not "arrays". Uiua has maps, but they act more like normal vectors with an extra tag on each element: ⊏1 (1) selects the second element of the map, which is just the second in insertion order. In my associative arrays, 1means "get the key 1". This breaks assumptions that an APL programmer might have in a few ways.

Context-free parsing

Context-free parsing is not the difference itself, of course, but what it entails is.

The most obvious difference is the naming convention. Just like in BQN, names that refer to arrays always start with a lowercase letter (abc), names that refer to functions always start with an uppercase letter (Abc), names that refer to adverbs always start (but not end) with an underscore (_Abc but also _abc), names that refer to a conjunction always start and end with an underscore (_Abc_). BQN takes this further to an interesting point, where each name can take on all four classes and is "cast" to the type you ask for: a←3 and then A 9 "calls" a, which when cast to a function becomes a constant function (like if you did /3). TinyAPL doesn't do this.

The next glaring difference is the separation of dfns/dadvs/dconjs. Dfns (anonymous functions) look like {code}, dadvs (anonymous adverbs) look like _{code}, dconjs (anonymous conjunctions) look like _{code}_. This, of course, mirrors the convention for names. Not only that, but in dfns you refer to the arguments as (the right argument) and (the left argument, if provided); that's fine. But in dmods, there's an issue. There have traditionally been two ways to refer to operands in APL: ⍺⍺/⍵⍵ and /. I would've gone with the latter, I like it more, and it means you can write ⍺⍺ instead of ⍺ ⍺ if you somehow need to refer to the left argument twice in a row. But there's an issue. Remember how names always have a set class? Well, operands can be either functions or arrays. So there need to be two names for each operand. I went with ⍺⍺/⍵⍵ for array operands and ⍶⍶/⍹⍹ for function operands. Yeah, I don't like it either. BQN solves the dfn/dmod distinction by looking inside the code of the block and seeing if it refers to 𝔽 and 𝔾, its operand names. I don't really like this solution, so I went with specifying it outside.

Other choices that I did under the name of context-free parsing, which did make parsing somewhat simpler but were mostly stylstic, belong to the concept of one meaning per glyph. In Dyalog, . is both the decimal separator and namespace member acces; I use . for the former and for the latter. In most APLs, E is both a valid identifier and the exponent notation symbol; for the latter I chose . Same applies to J for complex numbers, where I went with .


The other difference that's quite obvious for someone coming from, say, Dyalog, is trains.

The context-free parsing part is just that, because I allow modifier trains, you specify the type of a train just like for names. (see, there's a pattern!)

But the obvious part is not that, it's that trains aren't invisible. That is, in Dyalog you write "union without intersection" (aka § Symmetric Difference) as ∪~∩, in TinyAPL it's ~. Quite different. This does allow for a much larger set of possible tines of trains, and easier chains of atops, as documented in the train documentation page.