Planned At Depth r←[x](F⍥m)y

This primitive or feature is planned, that is, it doesn't appear in the most recent released implementation of TinyAPL. Details may change before it is added!

m must be a 1-, 2-, or 3-element integer vector. Define three numbers a, b and c: if m is ⟨d⟩, a, b, and c are d; if m is ⟨d⋄e⟩, a and c are e, and b is d; if m is ⟨d⋄e⋄f⟩, a is d, b is e and c is f.

If x is not provided, r is the result of applying F to nested elements of y of depth a. If x is provided, r is the result of applying F to nested elements of x of depth b and nested elements of y of depth c.

If a, b or c are positive, they indicate the maximum depth that the cells should have when applying the function. If they are negative, they indicate how many depths should be traversed before applying the function.